C3e Chipper
The most robust and user friendly electric chipper on the market. With a chipping capacity of 40mm in diameter, you can chip any type of branches or prunings with ease. The C3e is ideal for gardeners with surburban gardens and those looking for a compact and powerful chipper.
Max Capacity 40mm
Engine Type Electric
Max Power 2000W (2.7HP)
Fuel Type Electric
Fuel Tank Size Single Phase
Start Type Push Button
Inlet Chute Size 100 x 130 mm
Knife Quantity 1
Knife Size 110 x 42 x 6 mm
Knife Material A8 Modified Tool Steel
Cutting Disk Dims. 286 x 6 mm
Cutting Disk Weight 4.3kg
Cutting Disk Speed 2820RPM
Belt Drive N/a
Self-feeding Yes
Wheels 200mm solid
Dimensions (l x w x h) 1015 x 540 x 1205 mm
Weight 55kg
Outlet Chute Height 450 mm
Outlet Chute Type Fixed